Trekking Sentul

Frequently Asked Questions

Beberapa pertanyaan yang sering di pertanyakan oleh pelanggan kami, berikut ini kami lampirkan beberapa pertanyaan beserta jawaban yang mungkin menjadi referensi anda untuk dapat menentukan pilihan yang tepat sebagai partner event anda.

Is the guide experienced?

Yes, we have a team of guides who are experienced and have been certified by BNSP and are members of the Indonesian Tour Guide Association (HPI) | Association of Indonesian Mountain Guides (APGI) | Indonesian Experiential Learning Association (AELI) | Indonesian Goa Tourism Association (ASTAGA).

Besides that, we always hone skills, both Hard Skills and Soft Skills in scouting. So that everyone can provide the best service and you will also bring memories that you might not forget 🙂

Is this activity covered by insurance?

We have covered both participants and guides with 2 insurances, namely insurance from the tour manager and travel insurance (Amanah Githa) from us as many as trekking service providers in Sentul.
So you don’t need to worry about your safety or comfort during your activities. We make sure you are always safe. Come to Sentul in good health and go home in good health 🙂

Are we safe and have a legal umbrella?

Wasilah Trekking Sentul is very safe and we protect ourselves and consumers with clear company instruments and documents, which can be requested from our marketing staff.

Has the guide taken part in first aid activities?

Yes, gradually almost all of our guides have participated in first aid activities

What equipment and supplies should we bring ?

Equipment and supplies must be brought:

✔️ Bring your own water bottle.
✔️ Using trekking shoes or sports shoes and most importantly comfortable to wear.
✔️ Using clothes that dry easily (fast sweat absorption)
✔️ Bring a change of clothes
❌ It is forbidden to wear levis pants
✔️Bring personal medicine
✔️Bring and use masks
✔️Bring and wear a hat, sunblock, sunglasses (if required)
✔️ Bring Personal Hand Sanitizer, Wet Tissue, Dry Tissue
✔️ Bring energy-boosting snacks (Banana, Chocolate or Honey)
🔴 All items are put in a bag

Private Trip or Open Trip?

For now we have not held any open trip activities and this trekking activity is only PRIVATE and not combined with other groups

What if it rains?

There are several points related to rain when on the Sentul Trekking Path.

  1. If there is a small light rain, it usually continues, whether or not to use a raincoat depends on the request of the participant.
  2. If there is heavy rain without lightning, the trip will continue or not depending on the results of the discussion between the participants and the guide. If it will continue according to the situation and conditions, the participants will immediately use the raincoats that have been prepared by the guiding team.
  3. If there is heavy rain and accompanied by lightning or thunderstorms. Without discussing our activities, we stopped and continued towards the shelter. To keep everything safe and comfortable.

Everything is the result of an agreement with the participants and guides.

If it’s raining when you arrive at the Meeting Point and it’s heavy there are 2 points that can be used

  1. Waiting for the rain to stop after that the journey continues.
  2. Continue to use the raincoats that have been prepared by the guide team.
  3. Rescedjule to the next date
So you don’t need to worry about your safety or comfort during your activities. We make sure you are always safe. Come to Sentul in good health and go home in good health 🙂

Can it be rescheduled if the date changes?

Yes, we are very flexible in terms of scheduling and there are several things. Dates can be rescheduled as shown below:

  1. If it rains upon arrival at the Meeting Point Location (not yet departed for the Trekking Start Point) whether or not to proceed is in accordance with the agreement of both parties.
  2. Matters that are very urgent and according to the agreement of both parties.

do you need help?

drop us a line and keep in touch




Trekking Sentul